The gospel you preach, no matter what you call it, is only the true Gospel if it only, and actually does lead someone to The Christ alone.
If what you preach as the Gospel, or something else as a saving message or whatever, and it can or does lead someone to something other than The Christ then it is not the true Gospel.
Christ said that He is the way the truth and the life. That no one gets to the Father except through Him. The Apostles said there was no other name by which people must be saved. If His, and His Apostles' claims are true then He is the only way and our preaching must be just as exclusive.
Is your preaching that exclusive?
Are We Now Going to Lose Pensacola Christian College?
*I*n my previous article, I cited Dr. Ernest Pickering at length. He
"...*a man is more than his pulpit message. He brings to the pulpit a
3 days ago